the year: 1953
the genre: dramedy

the cast: Gregory Peck (Joe Bradley); Audrey Hepburn (Princess Ann); Eddie Albert (Irving Radovich)

the plot: Princess Anne embarks on a highly publicized tour of Europian capitals. When she and her royal entourage arrive in Rome, she begins to rebel against her restricted, regimented schedule. One night Anne sneaks out of her room, hops into the back of a delivery truck and escapes her luxurious confinement. However, a sedative she was forced to take earlier starts to take effect, and the princess is soon fast asleep on a public bench. She is found by Joe Bradley, an American newspaper reporter stationed in Rome. He takes her back to his apartment. The next morning Joe dashes off to cover the Princess Anne press conference, unaware that she is sleeping on his couch! Once he realizes his good fortune, Joe promises his editor an exclusive interview with the princess.

don't miss: the haircut.

listen for: "Is this the elevator?" "This is my ROOM!"

extra bonus points: if you know who was right in the argument Ann and Joe have over which poet wrote the words that Ann quotes, "Arethusa rose from her couch of snows in the Acroceraunian mountains."

did you know: I hate the ending to this movie. I know, I know - duty and honor and all that. Blech!
did you also know: the film was shot in black and white so that the characters wouldn't be upstaged by the setting of Rome.
LOVE Roman Holiday. And don't worry...you're not the only one who hates the ending. Sometimes I stop watching it before she even gets to the press conference. Dumb duty and honor.
I, too, wish the ending was different, but I have to admit that I love it when Irving gives her the photos.
I actually like the ending. It makes it so much more believable. Great movie--I might just have to put it on tonight....
Cary Grant was initially offered Gregory Peck's part, but he recognized that Audrey Hepburn's princess would clearly steal the show and declined. I think Gregory Peck fit better anyway.
The unromantic ending is a small price to pay for the "inconspicuous" secret service.
Answer: Joe was right; it's from the poem "Arethusa" by Percy Bysshe Shelley.
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