the year: 1947
the genre: drama

the cast: Gene Tierney (Lucy Muir); Rex Harrison (Capt. Daniel Gregg); George Sanders (Miles Fairley); natalie Wood (Anna Muir)

the plot: Living in a haunted house by the sea is a less frightening prospect for Lucy Muir, a young widow with a small daughter, than continuing to live with her sisters-in-law. At first Captain Gregg (the ghost) plays the same tricks on Lucy he has used to get rid of previous tenants. And while he loves solitude, he soon comes to admire her spunk and to make it possible for her to afford to stay in the house by deciding she will write a best-seller - his memoirs. When Lucy visits a London publisher, she also impresses a famous author of children's books, Miles Fairley. Can a ghost be jealous?

did you know: Bernard Herrmann considered his musical score for this film to have been his best. Herrmann also did the scores for Psycho, North by Northwest and Citizen Kane.

don't miss: Mr. Coombe - realtor.

extra bonus points: if you know what the word "muir" means in Gaelic.

listen for: "You said I should see men." "I said men, not perfumed parlour snakes!"

The trailer can be watched here.
Doesn't Rex Harrison look dashing with his dimples and seaman's beard.
Answer: The word "muir" means "the sea" in Gaelic.
You almost got a call in the middle if the night when I watched this--I was worried about the happy ending. But, it ended satisfactorily (is that a word?),so you were spared. I almost had to use a hankie, though.
The house looks fascinating. I would love to spend a vacation there.
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