
the end

Can you guess the movie by the end title?


Laney said...

1. something Elvis
2. Swiss Family Robinson
3. Charade
4. no idea (Annette F. movie?)
5. Sleeping Beauty

Scott said...

What's with the Elvis repeats? I though the King had left the building?

Millie Motts said...

Woops! Guess I scheduled this post before the idea of Elvis week hit me.
1. Weekend in Acapulco
2. Swiss Family Robinson
3. Charade
4. Roustabout
5. Sleeping Beauty
Extra bonus points to all!

Erika said...

Scott, it just goes to show you that Elvis never REALLY leaves the building.

Millie Motts said...

Oops! #2 is really Gidget. Apparently I had *major* issues with this post.