1.Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade 2.Independence Day 3.Jeremiah Johnson 4.Joseph (might have been just a TV movie - 1995) 5. Jurassic Park (ok, I love all 3)
I'm a collector of 1940s-60s just-about-anything, I have enough old snapshots to wallpaper a small house, and I'm saving my pennies so that one day I can have my very own roller rink.
Some of the images are from screenshots I've made and some have been collected from several years of net trolling. If one of them is yours and you would like to be credited, please let me know and I'll take care of it!
I, Robot
The Incredible
Johnny Lingo(the original)
Yay! You're welcome ;)
1.Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
2.Independence Day
3.Jeremiah Johnson
4.Joseph (might have been just a TV movie - 1995)
5. Jurassic Park (ok, I love all 3)
Adding to those above:
Johnny Appleseed
Jason and the Argonauts
The Incredible Mr. Limpett
Inner Space
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