the year: 1968
the genre: suspense

the cast: Dick Van Dyke (Jack Albany); Dorothy Provine (Sally Inwood); Edward G. Robinson (Leo Joseph Smooth); Jack Elam (Ace Williams)

the plot: Second-rate actor Jack Albany finds himself mistaken for fiendish killer Ace Williams and whisked off to master gangster Leo Smooth's fortified mansion. He is forced to continue with the charade with all the rough-looking hoods around, even when he finds out he’s to play a deadly role in an art theft. At least there is lovely art teacher Sally who could become an ally - IF she ever believes his story.

count: how many electric appliances Sally has to turn on to blow the fuse.

don’t miss: "the umbrella of peace" Jack extends to the real Ace Williams.

check out: the movie theater marquees the car drives by when Jack is being taken to meet the Boss. You can see the names of several cast members, such as Henry Silva, starring in gangster pictures.
listen for: “You remind me of my Aunt Gladys. Poor Aunt Gladys!”