the year: 1944
the genre: musical

the cast: Judy Garland (Esther Smith); Margaret O’Brien (Tootie Smith); Mary Astor (Mrs. Anna Smith); Lucille Bremer (Rose Smith); Leon Ames (Mr. Alonzo Smith); Tom Drake (John Truett); Marjorie Main (Katie the maid); Harry Davenport (Grandpa)

the plot: St. Louis, 1903. The well-off Smith family has four beautiful daughters, including Rose, Esther, Agnes, and little Tootie. 17-year old Esther has fallen in love with John, the boy who has just moved in next door. The family is shocked when Mr. Smith reveals that he has been transferred to a nice position in New York, which means that the family has to leave St. Louis and will miss the St. Louis World’s Fair.

count: how many dolls Tootie buries in the backyard.

listen for: “Yes, and if the whole family is sitting here drinking in every word, she may be loathe to say the things a girl's compelled to say to get a proposal out of a man. If that man, unfortunately, is Warren Sheffield.”

check out: the piece of cake that Mr. Smith eats for Halloween dessert. It starts out flat and later grows into a wedge.

don’t miss: Esther’s backup date for the dance.

also listen for: “Dinner's at six-thirty, and if Katie wants to hand in her notice, she can reach me in the bathtub!”

did you know: Judy Garland scoffed at the idea of portraying yet another teenager (she was 21 when filming began) and wanted nothing to do with the film. Her mother even went to MGM chief Louis B. Mayer on her behalf. However, Vincente Minnelli convinced her to play the part of Esther Smith, and Judy later fell in love with the story. In her later years she considered it one of her favorite roles.