For Christmas my mom got me the Best of the Andy Williams Show DVD set.
Boy, do I love me some schmaltzy entertainment! And while a little Lawrence Welk will do in a pinch, this is high-quality, big name schmaltz. (sigh.)
Extra points if you know what movie this song came from:
Regular performers on the show included: The Osmonds (Andy's dad heard them sing and recommended that his son give them a listen - they appeared many times on the show), Bobby Darrin, Jonathan Winters, and okay, I had to throw in another Bobby Darrin.
The show ran from 1959 to 1971. The last two years, it was moved up a time slot, so it changed a bit to target younger viewers. I have to say I like the older shows, but it was fun to see The Carpenters, The Jackson 5, and Aretha Franklin, and Dusty Springfield (below) - even if some of the costumes are a little...yes, well.
Come on, you KNOW everything's better with fringe! :)