
the fighting prince of donegal

the year: 1966

the genre: adventure

the cast: Peter McEnery (Hugh O'Donnell); Susan Hampshire (Kathleen McSweeney); Tom Adams (Henry O'Neill); Gordon Jackson (Captain Leeds)

the plot: Hugh O'Donnell inherits the title of The O'Donnell, the prince of Donegal, and tries to unite Ireland to make war on England. But then Hugh is kidnapped and imprisoned by the Viceroy of Ireland and held ransom for the Clans' good behavior. Hugh must escape prison and the Viceroy's villainous henchman, Captain Leeds, before he can fight.

don't miss: some good ole Disney adventure. I remember watching this as a kid and loving the dashing Peter McEnery. (sigh) Watch the trailer here.

extra bonus points: if you can name another Disney movie that stars Peter McEnery - and another that stars Susan Hampshire.

listen for: "You spent a lot of time chasing everything in skirts. Now you'll know how it feels."

did you know: The song "O'Donnell Aboo," which is sung at the film's conclusion was not written until the 1840s and refers to events in the Nine Year's War, which took place from 1593 to 1602. The film begins in 1587, prior to the conflict.

also listen for: "The Queen does not bluff. She's a politician, yes, but she's a realist. She'd hang her grandmother if she was a threat to the crown."

1 comment:

  1. Answer: Peter was in The Moonspinners and Susan was in The 3 Lives of Thomasina.
