
the legend of bagger vance

the year: 2000

the genre: drama

the cast: Will Smith (Bagger Vance); Matt Damon (Rannulph Junuh); Charlize Theron (Adele Invergordon); Bruce McGill (Walter Hagen); Joel Gretsch (Bobby Jones); J. Michael Moncrief (Hardy Greaves)

the plot: A disillusioned war veteran, Captain Rannulph Junah, reluctantly agrees to play a game of golf. He finds the game futile until his caddy, Bagger Vance, teaches him the secret of the authentic golf stroke which turns out also to be the secret to mastering any challenge and finding meaning in life.

don't miss: the beautiful score/soundtrack.

listen for: "Yep... Inside each and every one of us is one true authentic swing... Somethin' we was born with... Somethin' that's ours and ours alone... Somethin' that can't be taught to ya or learned... Somethin' that got to be remembered... Over time the world can, rob us of that swing... It get buried inside us under all our wouldas and couldas and shouldas... Some folk even forget what their swing was like..."

did you know: Although the film is based on fiction, both Bobby Jones and Walter Hagen were real golfers. Jones was the more famous because, among other things, he founded the US Masters tournament in Augusta.

extra bonus points: if you know who played the uncredited Narrator. (It was his last film.)

also listen for: "This is getting embarassing." "Oh no sir, this has been embarassing for quite some time."


  1. I hate to point it out, because I'm sure Laney knew it anyway, but Jack Lemmon's name is in the tags at the bottom...

  2. Not sure if Laney saw it or not, but I completely forgot I put that there!!

  3. HA! That's awesome. I don't check the tags. At least I didn't used to, but I might now ;)

  4. Didn't Matt Damon learn to golf while filming this movie?

  5. He did, indeed! Spent one month with a golf pro in South Carolina. The golf pro excites me less than being in SC for a month. Fun!
