the year: 1999
the genre: suspense
the cast: Sean Connery (Robert "Mac" MacDougal); Catherine Zeta-Jones (Virginia Baker); Ving Rhames (Aaron Thibadeaux); Will Patton (Hector Cruz)
the plot: Following the theft of a highly-secured piece of artwork, an insurance agent convinces her employers to allow her to pretend to be an art theif in order to entrap an aging but active master thief. Mac takes her on suspiciously and demands rigorous training before their first job together--stealing a highly-valued mask. Their deepening attraction and distrust could tear apart their partnership but the promise of a bigger prize (some eight billion odd dollars) keeps the game interesting. Only, who's playing with whom?
did you know: the film came in $2 million below its budget. Co-producer Rhonda Tollefson credits this to Producer Sean Connery's thrifty Scottish ways. Connery drove his own car instead of hiring a driver and flew on commercial planes instead of using private ones so that all the money would show up onscreen.
listen for: "It's impossible. But doable."
extra bonus points: if you can name one piece of information found in Mac's file.
also listen for: "I don't like surprises." "Trust me, there won't be any." "Trust me, there always are surprises."
Answer: Some of the information in Mac's file includes D.O.B. (August 21, 1937); P.O.B. (Edinburgh, Scotland); Citizen (UK); Height ( 6' 3"); Weight (210 lbs); Race (Caucasian); Hair (Brown - graying); Eyes (Brown). Family (Age 5 - father died, age 12 - mother died, no known siblings); Marital Status (Widowed 1955, Camilla Charles); Languages Spoken (English, Mandarin, Japanese, French, Malay); and Military Service (Royal Marines 1956-1962, Commando Unit, Malaysian police).