christmas in connecticut
the year: 1945
the genre: comedy
the cast: Barbara Stanwyck (Elizabeth Lane); Dennis Morgan (Jefferson Jones); Sydney Greenstreet (Alexander Yardley); S.Z. Sakall (Felix Bassenak)
the plot: In her Smart Housekeeping column, Elizabeth Lane provides amazing recipes and homemaking hints. However, Elizabeth's got a little secret: SHE needs a recipe to boil water! Elizabeth has no cooking skills, no Connecticut farm, no adoring hubby and no baby-makes-three as suggested in her column. Something her boss, the magazine publisher, doesn't know when he decides to invite himself and a recently returned war hero to her home for a traditional family Christmas. Watch as Elizabeth tries to be a good wife and doting mother, with absolutely NO experience.
count: how many rocking chairs Elizabeth owns.
don't miss: Felix. (I liked S. Z. Sakall before, but this was the role that sealed the deal.)
watch for: how to flip-flop the flop-flips.
listen for: "Catastroph!"
did you know: the Connecticut home is the same set used in Bringing Up Baby.
also listen for: "Everytime I'd opened my mouth he talked. I felt like Charlie McCarthy."
And don't forget the musical babies--first a girl, then a boy, then...